The GRC-215 radio set was part of the system called Regency Net. The Regency Net was to provide trans and post attack communications among nuclear capable units in the European Theater. The key to the Regency Net was the GRC-215 radio set in a portable, semi fixed and mobile configuration. Mobile and fixed units used NVIS broad band antennas. The GRC-215 was capable of frequency hopping and encryption using a KY-65A and KG-84A COMSEC device(s). The operators manual is TM 11-5895-1220-12.
The frequency range is 2.000 to 29.9999 Mhz and power output is selectable at 5 or 25 watts. Antenna connections are BNC (50 ohm) or whip/long wire. The unit is capable of auto tuning in the whip/long wire mode. Units come with nicad batteries and the manpack has a built in battery charger (see notes below). The unit is also capable of running on disposable lithium batteries.
The units as supplied to FEMA US&R units have the COMSEC units removed and are shown below. An extra nicad battery is supplied with each unit. Not supplied is a fixed antenna. Any number of military type antennas can be used with the 50 Ohm BNC connection provided the antenna is cut to the proper length. With minor modifications the manpack can be made to operate with the AS-2259 NVIS antenna which give a broad band self tuning antenna. The AS-2259 can be seen installed in the bottom photo, Under proper conditions these manpack units have been used to communicate up to 400 miles with NVIS antennas during FEMA exercises.